Objective of the Blog
After leaving active life in the profession I have embraced all my life, the time has come to try to contribute in another way to a better society in all its areas. I always said that, when I reached this stage in life, I would like, in some way, to be linked to my second passion, which is motorbikes. Now, I must go beyond intentions.
The mot for this BLOG is to be passionate about two wheels and have been a motorcyclist for 35 of my 59 years of life. I know that this passion is shared by many thousands of persons here in our country and so many millions around the world.
I don’t intend to create another travel blog, as there are already many, and some of great quality. I have no hesitation in mentioning that, personally, I have been following the “Quilómetro Infinito” or “Para lá da Escócia” for a long time.
I should also mention that, as you may sometimes read in some of my texts, I don’t see myself in the behavior of some of us, lovers of two wheels, but with that I’m saying that, as expected, I respect everyone equally in their differences.
In my opinion, there were two transformative events in national motorcycling, which persist today, although in different ways. I’m referring to “Portugal de Lés-a-Lés”, in the 24 hours format and to the Motorcyclist National Day, as well as all the process to choose the Patron Saint of motorcyclists (Saint Raphael), initial idea and sponsorship of the late Priest Zé Fernando (biker priest with his Yamaha Diversion 900), whom I had the privilege of meeting in person.
The latter was an example that, despite being linked to an area that, at first glance, would have nothing to do with the motorcycling world, it managed to transform opinions, shape behavior, and create a healthy environment.
In keeping with this spirit, what I intend to create in this BLOG is a place for healthy sharing of opinions, mutual help on issues that may arise and constructive discussion on subjects that may interest us.
Enjoy your ride.