




who i am

I started riding a motorbike out of necessity when I was 24. At the time, I was living at the south side of Tejo River, I had to go every day to Lisbon and I could not be late because of the traffic.

In 1989, I decided to get the motorcycle driver’s licence and to by my first motorbike: a Kawasaki EN500…

From the need to the passion was a very short distance. Until then, I had never had even a 125cc! Even worst, I used to say that the best motorcycle was worse than the worst car! HOW IGNORANCE CAN BE BOLD!

Since then, whether it’s commuting to work, going out or on vacation, I can’t do without the freedom I’ve become accustomed to. Of course, this could only be possible with my wife’s complicity. Among the motorcycles I’ve ever owned, (KAWASAKI EN500, KAWASAKI GPZ 500, BMW K100RS, BMW R1100RS, HONDA ST 1100 PAN EUROPEAN(2), BMW R1200RT(2), BMWK1200LT(2), BMW R1200GSA, YAMAHA XTZ1200 SUPERT TENERÉ, BMW R1250RT), the average mileage in each one of them was around 60.000Kms. The XTZ covered 67,000 km in 3 years.

In this way, I gained experience and knowledge, with everyone I crossed paths with, with mistakes I made and, above all, an open state of mind, which has helped me in my behaviour on the road, both for my own safety and that of others.

This way, enjoyment is much more complete.

I don’t give up greeting another motorcyclist I pass, as well as stopping if I find someone else in trouble, doesn’t matter who. This is the spirit of the motorcyclist, which has made me go through unique situations, some funny and others not! But these stories, I will share them in my texts.

I always said that one day, when I left my active professional life, I would dedicate myself to my second passion: Motorcycles and everything around and linked to them!

Well, the time has come! I accepted the challenge and decided to share what I know, what I feel, what I like and above all the pleasure I feel in riding a motorcycle and being a motorcyclist.

Feeling the wind, the smells and living with nature without filters is a privilege that I cannot give up and that I want to share with you.

This is me, husband, citizen and motorcyclist.

Enjoy your ride and see you around

Paulo Ferreira







my gear

01. Helmet

Modular helmet

02. Comunications

Helmet intercom

03. Gloves

Protective gloves

04. Jacket

Cordura jacket

05. Pants

Cordura pants

06. Boots

Always motorcicle boots